Archive for August, 2019


The Coriolis Effect @QPF2019

My long-form narrative sequence The Coriolis Effect officially launched at the Queensland Poetry Festival on August 24 – marrying perfectly with the festival theme of ‘Deep Listening’.

This is an intensely personal work , but one that clearly translated with incredible impact to the audience who were visibly moved during the performance. As an artist, my job is to make the audience feel, and the nature of this work, it’s themes and construction enabled this to be done to a level I haven’t experienced previously when performing my work.

Thank you to the friends and supporters who came to listen – but also to the large portion of the audience who were not known to me and who might have been hearing my work for the first time. While it meant a few people got lost and missed the first few minutes, the last minute room change to the much larger dance rehearsal space was a blessing given the turnout.

Your attention was appreciated. Your tears were an affirmation of the truths in this piece.

Many of you have pointed out to me that there’s a real market for this piece outside of the poetry/literary scene. Mothers, sons, daughters, families experiencing trauma, and those removed from it who may be observing the external ‘symptoms’ – seeing the effect unfold, but not always the cause.

When you connect to another’s shared experience there is power in that connection – there’s healing and there is also acceptance. Whatever The Coriolis Effect becomes, it will serve this function, and I have no doubt about that.


These amazing shots were taken by Kylie Thompson @writerlyscrawls


QPF is days away…

The Queensland Poetry Festival for 2019 kicks off on Thursday 22 August so if you haven’t had a look at the program yet or mapped out what you’re planning to see – now is the time! There’s a host of events, both free and ticketed, to explore over the festival weekend.

I’ll be performing The Coriolis Effect on Saturday 24 August as part of the General program. If you’d like to attend you can buy a $10 day pass (it’s free if you’ve bought a ticketed event pass for Saturday).

Here are the details:

Saturday 24 August 12-12:30pm

Judith Wright Centre Dance Rehearsal Space

From the program: “The Coriolis Effect is a sequence of poems from award-winning poet Vanessa Page that responds to the concept of parent-child grief. This short narrative verse performance is designed to ignite a kind of healing by drawing strength from the sharing of truths.”

Join the official event page on Facebook to RSVP and stay up to date with information on the event.






some new international readers

It’s always exciting when your work is being read and even more so, when it’s being read internationally. Recently, copies of Confessional Box and Tourniquet found their way to Lincoln, California (picture below) and also to Baltimore in the US.

If you are interested in reading my work or would like a signed copy of my books, please contact me at

Lincoln CA

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August 2019
